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Have a voice on veteran issues? or those in your community? If you have a petition? Share the link and raise awareness
2General Discussion Group
General Discussion Group, everyone welcome.
- E-PetitionsExFor+ have created a petition to raise the need for transitional employment for service leavers and Veterans, This is what ExFor+ has been setup for " a transitional employer for those leaving service". Leaving service can and is often a difficult and potentially traumatic time for the service leaver and also their families. There are many services and organisations that are established primarily with the legal structure of charity to provide support post discharge and even the MoD support whilst individuals are still in service, however there is a gap not a huge gap but it is a significant one. The gap spoken about is between when an individual exits the gate and becomes a civilian, their employment stops, their belonging to an organisation stops, loosing who would have been almost the same if not like family, they loose their identity, they often leave with a shock to the system that can almost be described as the shock of capture but can also experience a free falling experience, as well as experiencing a grief reaction, at times there will not be anyone to speak with or catch them at the point of walking out of the gates. This is why a transitional employer that is set up for veterans by veterans with an aim and goal of providing education, training and personal development allowing decompression from service related experiences and recovery from physical or mental health injuries until they are ready to move forwards in a direction that they are comfortable with. If they move on and they struggle to maintain their employment or self employment our aim is to be able to allow them back in to the ExFor+ to further provide support and structure enabling them to grow and achieve their aims and goals is of immediate need. At present the Armed Forces charity sector raise £863m per annum but our question is how much of this gets to the front-line, the current set up enables almost 4200 charities and organisations to sustain themselves and pay the wages of the huge administrative structures that they currently have in place that are a mixture of civilian and military staff and significant numbers of volunteers, We want it to be that when donations are made we want them to go to those who they are being made for and too, so our organisation being staffed by veterans to support veterans and the community they go directly to supporting veterans and the costs of the development of the employer ExFor+, This will also enable veterans to support their communities in which they live in creating significant and positive economical and social impact. Please do help us get this petition heard in the House of Commons, Where we launched from on February 22, 2018. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/222088/sponsors/new?token=uqbSXqNUWF4tIDOTl0plLike
- FundraisingThe veteran support sector is significantly large, the last figure I have heard of the number of organisations is close to 4,200. Now that is significant, We at ExFor+ believe that the funds that are often donated to the Veteran support sector per annum in the region of £863m could be utilised more effectively if they were donated to a single overarching organisation with the aim and goal of supporting veterans and their communties. At present there are a small number at the top of a very big tree that recieive a larger proprotion of these funds, and this often leads to large organisations, with large premisies and administrative staff costs. Our question I suppose is why not give directly to the veteran and the communities in which they live? to create significant change to the lives of those leaving service. Well is this possible? it is, through ExFor+ as we are veterans supporting veterans and the communtiies in which they live. The reality is though that without changing all mindsets there will be many organisations looking to support the veteran communtiy, we welcome Charities, CIO's and CIC's to post links to their fundraising pages, and those who are fundraising for the above outlined organisations to post their links to raise funds to support #Veterans and welcome them to utilise our forum to spread the word of the positive work that they do. Again a single organsiation like ExFor+ staffed by veterans supporting veterans and their communities is our aim and passion and if you would like to support us please do feel free to provide support funding via our fundraising pages or directly through PayPal links on our website.Like
- E-PetitionsA single voice amoung thousands will unlikely be heard in the sea of sound, however if all #Veterans and the communtiies in which they live, worked together to make positive and longterm social and economic change, and collectively made decisions on how best to support their communities then we would have a greater chance of a single voice being heard with the support of the many. If you have e-petetions or know someone that is thinking about one or wanting to raise awareness of your petitions by positing a link within the E-Petition forum, please do so: www.exforplus.org/forum/e-petitions #LetsMakeAChange #WorkingTogetherEnhancingLivesLike
All categories are moderated by ExFor+ C.I.C. staff members, or Third party organisations that can be found at the top of the page under forum moderators, if you feel that something is offensive please do advise us via: Info@exforplus.org or directly to one of the moderators who can be found at the top of this page.
The forum pages and categories are not for reporting criminal activity/emergencies or medical emergencies, if you are experiencing any of these please, contact the appropriate emergency service in relation to the situation. In the UK for Medical Non emergencies / Non life threatening injuries you can dial 111. If you feel it is an emergency and need immediate assistance please contact 999 and ask for the appropriate emergency service; Police, Fire, Ambulance.
Working with:
It should be made clear that ExFor+ has signed the Armed Forces Covenant and supports the initiative.
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