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Please confirm that you are either a Person with Significant Control or that you have been instructed to act on behalf of your organisation, by a Person with Significant Control or Majority Share. giving you authority to utilise the organisations logo and post to the VHub on behalf of your organisation.
Please confirm that you have read the VHub disclaimer, acknowledging that this is a free forum designed to provide support to veterans, their supporters, partners, spouses, friends and family. Having taken note that ExFor+ C.I.C. do not accept liability for your messages or transmissions via the "VHub" Veterans Support Forum and that you are accountable for all messages or transmissions made from your account.
Please also confirm that you have read the VHub policies, "VHub's" intended primary use is for supporting veterans, if you are utilising it for another primary intention i.e. significant promotion of your organisation, ExFor+ C.I.C. may ask that you do not spam the forum with excessive promotional materials, if after being asked to stop and spamming continues, at the discretion of ExFor+ C.I.C. you may then be restricted from utilising this free resource.
Details of individual utilising this organisations acount :
Details of organisations Person with Significant Control agreeing to the use of the VBook forums:
I confirm that all the above details are correct to the best of our knowledge:
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